As seen in:





How To Treat Rosacea


If you’re like others suffering the dry, red, sore, bumpy, and downright uncomfortable skin that is a hallmark of rosacea, you’ll also understand how frustrating it is to treat. Studies show that rosacea can negatively affect your confidence, both professionally and socially.

Perhaps you’ve felt confused by conflicting advice about how to treat rosacea and wonder what the most safe and effective treatment is.

And, you may be tired of spending hundreds of dollars on skincare products, supplements, and treatments that make big promises, only to see your rosacea (and broken blood vessels) worsen over time.

You’re not alone. We see many rosacea sufferers, and they tell us their similar frustrations with treating their skin. But, there is an answer. And it begins by understanding that rosacea is not a cosmetic condition but rather a medical skin condition, that can be treated with an individualised approach.

QR8 Mediskin is a doctor-prescribed and nurse-supported skincare service designed to address your specific rosacea challenges with evidence-based rosacea treatments that are simple to use (just a few minutes each day).

We help you:

  • Get a medical assessment of your skin – not all skin redness or acne-like pimples are caused by rosacea
  • Get a simple-to use, at-home, rosacea treatment cream with evidence-based ingredients that are demonstrated to reduce rosacea flare ups, bumps and dry, sore skin
  • Understand the many causes of rosacea, and how to manage these in the long-term, including the important role that sun protection plays
  • Use evidence-based rosacea treatments with minimal burning, redness, and peeling
  • Find simple and inexpensive skincare products that support your skin, and understand the application techniques that science shows can reduce rosacea flare ups

Our online skincare team gets to know you and your skin (using a detailed questionnaire combined with a secure video consultation) and prescribes a science-backed treatment from a choice of 20+ evidence-based ingredients that are targeted and blended for your specific skin condition.

As part of your treatment you also receive comprehensive skincare recommendations and ongoing support from our dermatology nurse via SMS, phone, email, and or video call.

What Is Rosacea?

Rosacea (Ro-Say-Sha) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the facial skin. The most common symptom is redness across the centre of the face – nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. This redness is always present, and intensifies from time to time. Acne-like spots, rough skin, and visible blood vessels (called ‘telangiectasia’) can also make an appearance over time.

People with rosacea have a tendency to flush or blush, especially when nervous or anxious, drinking alcohol, eating spicy food or after exposure to the sun. Cold, dry weather can also make rosacea flare up. Dry, itchy and sensitive skin that reacts to skincare products is also common.

Up to 10% of Australians are diagnosed with rosacea, especially women aged over 30 with lighter skin tones, although it can develop at any age, and also occurs in those with deeper skin tones. It also runs in families. Rosacea in men can present as thickened, red and lumpy, bulbous skin, especially on the nose (called ‘rhinophyma’). This is more common in men aged over 50.

Living with rosacea is challenging. Suffering with sore, dry, red, bumpy and sensitive skin can make you feel anxious, embarrassed and depressed, and your self-confidence can take a hit. You can also find face-to-face work and social interactions more difficult.

What Causes Rosacea?

The cause of rosacea isn’t completely understood, but there is growing evidence that it is linked with systemic inflammation and dysfunction of our immune and vascular systems.

Sun exposure is thought to play a part in rosacea flares, and overall progression of the disorder. UV radiation increases free radicals in the skin that stimulate the immune system as well as the release of chemicals that cause dilation of blood vessels.

In some cases, a common skin mite called Demodex folliculorum may be involved. Even though this mite normally hangs out on skin, in those with rosacea the numbers of Demodex are increased.

How are rosacea and acne different

Rosacea used to be called ‘acne rosacea’ because the breakouts look similar to acne lesions (acne is technically known as ‘acne vulgaris’). But they are not the same – and not even related!

To the untrained eye, rosacea can sometimes look like acne, and it’s also possible to have both rosacea AND acne vulgaris at the same time. Which is why a proper medical diagnosis is vital to getting the right treatment, and why we have a video consult, not just a questionnaire and photographs, as a standard part of our service.


Unfortunately there is no cure for rosacea, but it can be well managed with topical treatments to reduce inflammation, redness and bumpy skin. These are very effective when combined with skincare, lifestyle changes (such as dietary changes to improve gut health – read more HERE), and in-clinic laser, IPL or light treatments for redness and broken vessels (sadly, no topical skin creams can permanently eliminate broken vessels). They key to the best rosacea treatment is tailoring a treatment plan to every individual patient, because the causes are so varied.

That’s where Qr8 MediSkin comes in! Our doctors can customise the best rosacea treatment product for you. Without the need to visit a dermatologist, or wait in line at the pharmacy. Our doctors can also refer you to the best laser dermatologists and opthalmologists who specialise in rosacea treatment.

But we don’t just give you access to the best customised skin treatments. We are Australia’s go-to service for support so you can use your rosacea treatment safely and effectively, and get skincare advice to help you manage rosacea.

Get Your Personalised ROSACEA Treatment In Four Simple Steps


Questionnaire & Photos

Tell us about your health and the challenges you’re having with your skin. Snap 3 photos of your skin following our simple instructions HERE



Online Consult

Schedule a Secure Video Consultation with one of our Aussie Doctors to diagnose your skin. Consults available 7 days a week, 7am-9pm.


Receive Treatment

If you’re suitable for treatment, your very own custom treatment will be made-to-order just for you, and shipped within a week.


Expert Support

Receive your personal skincare routine and recommendations from our expert nurses and dermal therapists, get access to our exclusive Support Hub and evidence-based resources and virtual events, join in live discussions, and receive ongoing personal support via SMS, phone, email, or video call during your 3-month treatment cycle.

Your customised prescription rosacea treatment medication

Aza Acid

Azelaic acid – at prescription-strength concentrations to minimise spots, soothe inflammation, kill bacteria and unclog pores that lead to the acne-type bumps


Niacinamide – to reduce inflammation and improve skin barrier function


Ivermectin – has both anti-inflammatory properties and targets Demodex mites, which are known to exacerbate rosacea symptoms

Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate

Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate – a new generation, water-soluble derivative of azelaic acid that offers excellent skin benefits.

Studies show that it has anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for treating rosacea. It shows significant efficacy in reducing redness, stinging, and burning sensations for those who suffer with rosacea.


Metronidazole – a topical antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medication that is used to treat mild-moderate rosacea.

Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of this drug in treating rosacea and reducing facial redness.


Ectoin – an ingredient shown to produce a long-term moisturising effect, along with reducing inflammation, and protecting from environmental stressors like UV radiation, which make it beneficial to support sensitive, dry skin during treatment.


Oxymetazoline – an evidence-based medication for treating persistent facial redness associated with rosacea.

It works by tightening surface blood vessels both temporarily, and in the long term, to reduce redness.

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the formation of papules and pustules in rosacea, further enhancing its efficacy in managing rosacea symptoms.

Sometimes, our doctors will recommend a course of oral antibiotics in combination with a topical treatment. Our doctors choose a very low dose of antibiotic known to treat the inflammation associated with rosacea, which has been shown in studies not to affect gut or genital flora.

Can I use prescription retinoids if I have rosacea?

Once your rosacea is well-controlled, it is possible to include active skincare ingredients like retinoids in your routine. Our doctors can prescribe low strength retinoids that can be tolerated by those with sensitive skin. And our Skincare Support Team works with you to ensure you experience minimal side effects.


Well you absolutely can! But here’s some things to think about first…

Our rosacea treatments use concentrations of azelaic acid (15-20%) that scientific studies show reduce the symptoms of rosacea. Over the counter or cosmetic azelaic acid products are often only available at lower percentages (10% or sometimes even 5% – make sure you check your existing treatment product!). There is ZERO evidence that these do anything to treat rosacea.

We also combine azelaic acid with other evidence-based ingredients into a single cream (so you don’t have to purchase them separately!). These have been shown in scientific studies to soothe and calm dry, red, burning, stinging skin associated with the impaired skin barrier that comes with rosacea.

Because skincare and lifestyle changes are equally as important as treatment when it comes to rosacea, 1:1 personalized support from our experienced Skincare Support Team is included (with your rosacea treatment product, medical appointment, and delivery) in the one-off, all-inclusive cost of your treatment. We help you choose skincare products with evidence-backed ingredients to calm skin. We can also help you identify and manage your personal rosacea triggers.

The Best Skincare Products for Rosacea

Choosing skincare products is particularly challenging for rosacea sufferers. Because rosacea negatively impacts the skin barrier, it can cause dry, itchy, sensitive skin that burns and stings when using cosmetic skincare products, particularly those that are fragranced and contain active ingredients like exfoliants and vitamin C.

Overloading skin with products, using grainy exfoliants, or cleansing tools (even just overzealous rubbing with a soft face washer!) can cause rosacea flares or encourage redness to persist in the skin.

And finding a sunscreen that doesn’t sting, and protects against UVA-1 and Visible Light as well as normal UVA/B radiation is vital – sunlight plays a huge part in triggering rosacea, and making it worse.


DO DOn’t
Keep your skincare routine simple
Use complicated, multi-step skincare routines, loaded with serums and actives
Choose gentle, fragrance-free products
Choose heavily-fragranced products with long ingredient lists - especially when the fragrances are 'natural' such as essential oils
Use fingers only to cleanse skin
Use cleansing brushes, devices or cloths
Keep cleansing to a minimum
Double cleanse
Use lukewarm water to rinse skin
Use hot water on the face or take hot baths/showers
Focus on moisturising to keep the skin barrier healthy
Think exfoliants are the answer to dry skin (it’s like rubbing steel wool on a wound!)
Use properly formulated sunscreen and sun protection like sunglasses, hats and clothing religiously
Expose skin to UV radiation and Visible Light from the sun on a daily basis

All our patients receive personalised 1:1 advice from our Skincare Support Team about inexpensive skincare products to support their rosacea treatment product. It’s part of our all-inclusive cost – read more in our FAQ.

Do I need to spend a lot of money on skincare to support my rosacea treatment product?

Click HERE to read what our founder, Dr Michele Squire, told Mamamia Australia about expensive skincare (hint: expensive skincare often contains long lists of ingredients at tiny concentrations just to justify their high price. The best moisturiser for rosacea is often the least expensive!)

Your Biggest
Questions Answered

What skin conditions can QR8 treat?

We have customisable medical solutions for:

  • Skin ageing concerns/Sun Damage (lines & wrinkles, enlarged pores, pigmentation)
  • Acne
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)
  • Melasma
  • Texture, congestion, enlarged pores
  • Rosacea
  • Perioral Dermatitis

Our doctors only prescribe skin treatments where it is safe and appropriate to do so. You may be advised during your consult that it is in your best interests to see a dermatologist, or other medical professional in person.

How much does it cost?

Our 3-month service is supportive, all-inclusive, and convenient – no more trips to the pharmacy or GP, no waiting in line, no unexpected costs, and no more wasted money on skincare products that don’t work. Just effective, evidence-based results with minimal wait time.

A video consultation with one of our trained and experienced doctors to assess your suitability for treatment is $50.

Then, the one-off cost of $220 / 3 months includes:

  • 50g treatment cream with a customised blend of active ingredients sufficient for 3 months of once-daily application. Our ingredients are the gold-standard for treating skin concerns like acne, sun damage, pigmentation, melasma, rosacea, lines & wrinkles, sun damage, and perioral dermatitis. The concentration and inclusion of active ingredients will be customised to suit your specific skin requirements and allergies/intolerences. We can generally treat multiple concerns in a single cream but sometimes you may require more than 1 cream to address your concerns. Your doctor will discuss this with you, and provide treatment options to fit with your goals and budget. The cost for 2 creams purchased in a single transaction is $380 (discounted from $440).
  • A detailed Skin Plan with evidence-based educational content plus supporting skincare product recommendations
  • Australia Post Express delivery to your door
  • Unlimited SMS, email and phone support with our expert support team for your 3 month treatment cycle
  • A video skincare routine consult with our dermatology nurse to answer your questions personally
  • Access to our Support Hub private community and live discussions
  • Virtual masterclasses
  • Discounts, gifts and giveaways exclusive to our patients

PLEASE NOTE: There is no government Medicare or private health telehealth rebate currently available for our service. You may be able to claim the drug component of the service on your private health (and we can provide a receipt for this upon request.

Can I claim it on private health insurance?

Yes, you may be able to claim the drug component of your treatment using Extras cover on your private health insurance.

The rebate amount will differ depending on your fund and level of cover, but we’re happy to provide you with a pharmacy receipt that you can present to your insurer to help you claim your rebate.

Unfortunately, neither Medicare nor private health insurers currently offer rebates for the telehealth or support components of our service. However, we believe that our support services are an essential part of your treatment plan and we’re committed to providing you with the best possible care and attention.

How long does it take to arrive?

Our team is dedicated to processing your order quickly, so you can start seeing the benefits as soon as possible.

Once our Qr8 admin team receive your payment, we’ll process your order within 24 working hours and confirm with you via text message. Then the pharmacy will work hard to compound your treatment promptly. Please allow 2-5 working days for your treatment to be compounded and then shipped express to you.

Do I have to subscribe?

We want you to feel completely in control of your treatment, and ensure that you are properly assessed in real-time before dispensing treatment, which is why we’re not a subscription service. You’ll never have to worry about us taking money from your account without your permission.

Instead, you’ll be the one in charge of your payments. Every three months, we will remind you to book with your doctor for a video progress and treatment review, and you can decide when the pharmacy dispenses your treatment.

Then we’ll take care of all the logistics for you, so you can focus on what matters most – getting the results you want.

How do I pay?

After your video consult, if you’re suitable for Qr8 treatment, your doctor will send you an email confirming the recommended treatment plan you both discussed during your consultation and provide a quote. We want to make sure you have all the details you need to make an informed decision about your treatment.

If you are ready to move forward, simply log into your profile using the link in the email, and pay the invoice within 30 days of your consult. We process all orders within 24 working hours of payment being cleared into our account.

To make the payment process as easy as possible, we accept online payments via Visa and Mastercard, and we also offer Afterpay. You can also pay by direct debit. The choice is yours!

If you have any questions or concerns about payment or the treatment process, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team HERE, or phone us on (07) 3325-9700 M-F, during QLD business hours.

Meet our Founder

Dr Michele Squire

PhD, BSc (Hons), BBus

Dr Michele Squire, PhD scientist and former healthcare executive and Registered Nurse, recognised the crucial synergy between medicine, science and skincare in treating chronic skin concerns. In 2019, she established Qr8 (pronounced ‘curate’), a ground-breaking venture aimed at offering video telehealth-delivered medical consultations and uncomplicated skincare guidance rooted in scientific evidence. By promoting evidence-based medicine and combining it with the kind of expert support known to significantly improve treatment outcomes for patients, Qr8 empowers patients to make informed decisions about their skin and get results.

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Meet our Clinical Team

Dr Ambi Sud

MBChB, BSc AHPRA Registration Number:MED0002129607

Having experienced acne in her late teens and twenties, Dr Ambi can relate to patients experiencing chronic skin conditions. She finds it incredibly rewarding when patients are satisfied with the care they have received, and also loves to see the happiness that comes when her patients receive good results.

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Dr Yeshika Naidoo

MBBS, FRACGP AHPRA Registration Number:MED0000962959

Dr Yeshika focusses on what the patient is trying to achieve and adapts their treatment according to their individual lifestyles. She loves to see long-term and returning patients who are happy with their results, and she finds this to be the most rewarding part of her practice.

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Dr Alicia Siggs

MBBS(Hons), BPhysio, GCertTravMed, FRACGP AHPRA Registration Number:MED0001121611

Dr Alicia understands that treating skin can be both transformative and life-changing. When skin conditions are impacting a person’s daily life, she finds it rewarding to see the enormous difference that successful treatment can make to a patient’s confidence and wellbeing. She also like to empower patients by giving them the tools to manage their skin conditions long term.

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Dr Jeremy Chou

MChD, FRACGP AHPRA Registration Number:MED0002066673

Dr Jeremy is holistic, thorough, and willing to take the necessary time and care to ensure his patients are empowered to take charge of their health. He specifically enjoys seeing patients enjoy positive results and become empowered to make better decisions for their skin and wellbeing.

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Dr Sharon Suguilon

BS Biology, MD, FRACGP AHPRA Registration Number:MED0001210915

Dr Sharon enjoys building long-term relationships with her patients and seeing the positive impact of their skin transformation and over-all well-being through personalised care and targeted skin treatment plans. She also loves making her patients feel comfortable during consultation, and leave feeling confident in their ability to look after their skin with the right professional guidance and advice. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, interior design and floristry.

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Dr Kathy Robinson

MBBS, MSc (Pharmacy), MForensMed, FACLM AHPRA Registration Number:MED0001399354

Dr Kathy combines science and evidence-based practice with a warm and compassionate approach to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients. She enjoys seeing the holistic benefits for patients that come with achieving great skin health and providing patients with the knowledge and tools to empower them to maintain great skin for life.

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Dr Danielle ten Brink

MD BMedSci AHPRA Registration Number:MED0002308228

I enjoy truly listening to a patient’s concerns and creating a relaxing environment where they feel heard and valued. My kind & approachable nature allows me to build strong relationships and trust, while my eagerness to help and offer support ensures each patient receives personalized and compassionate care tailored to their needs.

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Dr Sarah Newby

MD AHPRA Registration Number:MED0002066429

Dr Sarah has a warm and empathetic approach to her practice and listens deeply to ensure that she can work with patients to get to the root of the problem and arrive at an effective solution together. She finds being trusted with her patient’s stories and seeing how simple changes can make a world of difference to be the most rewarding part of her practice.

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Dr Maanasa Bandla

BMedScMD BBiomedSc AHPRA Registration Number:M900128682

Dr Maanasa enjoys being able to support patients on their clinical journey and build meaningful theraputic relationships with them. She is personable, friendly and approachable, and provides a judgment-free zone for patient interaction and support.

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Nurse Natasha Bruyn

EN AHPRA Registration Number:NMW0002618266

Nurse Natasha works closely with Nurse Kristen to help patients receive the highest calibre of support possible. If you have questions, she is your go-to alongside Nurse Kristen!

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Nurse Kristen Meiklejohn

EEN AHPRA Registration Number:NMW0001612708

Kristen is an integral part of our Qr8 MediSkin Skincare Support Team. If you have questions, need skincare product recommendations, or help setting up a simple but personalised skincare routine to support your prescription treatment, Kristen is your skincare guardian angel.⁠⁠

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Pharmacist Matthew Belgrove

BPharm AHPRA Registration Number:PHA0000982524

I have been a pharmacist for 14 years, owned and worked in a variety of Pharmacies including NCC for the last 10 years. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my wife, 4 kids & dog and also swim, bike and running. I find compounding pharmacy a rewarding profession because of NCC’s ability to customise medicine for any type of patient. I often find ourselves solving challenges which standard medicine couldn’t and the gratitude from Patients is very humbling.

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Your Customised Rosacea

Is ONLY A Few Clicks Away

You’ve heard the science that enables QR8 Mediskin to work so well. You’ve seen the difference in real customers. Isn’t it time to try QR8 Mediskin for yourself? Click the button below to get started.