Did we need a glow up? No.

But did we have one? Of Course! Qr8 has been built on the needs of our patients, so we never stop innovating and looking for ways to improve. We are committed to delivering treatments that are evidence-based, but also feel as luxurious as possible, whilst being as gentle as possible on your skin.

We are excited to welcome you to a new era of topical medical treatments here at Qr8.

From new ingredients in our Barrier+ cream base that increase the ability of the skin to tolerate prescription treatments, to entirely new ingredients to improve patient outcomes, our glow up has it all. Read all about our new ingredients below!

1. Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate (PAD)

First up is Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate, or PAD, a water-soluble derivative of azelaic acid. Azelaic acid has long been known for its multifaceted benefits in skincare, specifically for its ability to combat pigment issues, inhibit microbial growth, and reduce inflammation (particularly in conditions like acne and rosacea). However, its poor solubility, tendency to form crystals during shipping, and potential to cause skin irritation have posed hurdles for our patients.

PAD represents a significant advancement over traditional azelaic acid formulations. By combining azelaic acid with glycerine, PAD retains many of the therapeutic properties of azelaic acid while improving solubility (no more thick creams!), and moisturising capability. Our formulations incorporating PAD have been thoroughly tested for compatibility with other skincare products, so you can apply the correct amount of sunscreen and makeup with ease.

Studies have shown that formulations containing 5% PAD deliver comparable results to those with 15% azelaic acid for pigmentation and rosacea, with superior tolerability, making it a preferred choice for sensitive skin types. These studies also show it can reduce redness, visibility of broken capillaries, stinging and burning and pigmentation.

A quick warning – PAD is supplied by the manufacturer in a solution that only contains 30% of the PAD itself (not 100%), so our pharmacists have to do some maths to ensure you get 5% pure PAD in your treatment. If you see someone advertising a high percentage of PAD in a product, ask them what the actual percentage is – we have seen a few companies advertise using 10% PAD, when they are in fact using 10% of a 30% solution – so the final concentration of pure PAD is only 3%.

Welcome to the Qr8 Fam, PAD! 👋

2. Ectoin

Next in our new-ingredient-lineup is Ectoin, a natural amino acid derivative originally isolated from bacteria that live in extreme conditions (think deserts, high salt and acidic environments). In nature, ectoin protects skin cells from environmental stresses such as UV radiation, extreme temperatures, and pollutants. Its ability to bind water molecules and enhance skin hydration makes it a valuable addition to skincare formulations aimed at improving barrier function and combating dryness.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that Ectoin not only improves skin hydration and elasticity but also reduces redness, inflammation and irritation (such as from retinoid use), making it particularly beneficial for conditions like rosacea and atopic dermatitis, but also anyone using irritating prescription ingredients. Its photoprotective properties further contribute to overall skin health by minimizing UV-induced damage (along with your sunscreen of course!). Participants in one study preferred the ectoin-containing treatment for its cosmetic elegance (something that isn’t normally associated with compounded pharmacy treatments!).

We are excited to be adding Ectoin into the Qr8 Barrier+ Base to provide all Qr8 users with its benefits, but also have it available in higher-dosages when clinically necessary!

C’mon in Ectoin! 👋

3. Ivermectin

Our final new ingredient (for now!) is ivermectin. Recognized for its efficacy in combating parasitic infections, ivermectin has also demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory properties (yay skin!).

Studies show that topical application of ivermectin reduces inflammation and the inflammatory lesions associated with rosacea. It also causes the death of Demodex mites that have been reported to be a factor in inflammation of the skin.

We have added ivermectin into our existing rosacea formulation to offer patients a well-tolerated and effective all-in-one treatment option.

Stay tuned for another game-changing ingredient being introduced soon to treat the persistent skin redness associated with rosacea.

*Suitability for treatment subject to doctor assessment. Video medical consultation is always required prior to treatment. Not everyone is suitable for either remote treatment, or the type of treatments our service offers. All medical treatments carry risk. Individual results will vary and are not guaranteed.




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