Frequently Asked Questions


What ingredients do you offer?

Our doctors have more than 20 different active ingredients available to help treat a variety of skin conditions. You can learn more about them by clicking HERE.

When the pharmacy compounds your treatment, they will blend the ingredients your doctor prescribed into a drug delivery base that’s just right to deliver those ingredients into the deeper layers of your skin where they have their effects. Plus, we’ll add skin barrier supporting ingredients like niacinamide, ceramides, cholesterol, panthenol, ectoin, and skin-identical fatty acids as an added bonus in all our treatments. You can find the ingredients for our Qr8 Barrier+ Base HERE.

We’re proud to say that all of our ingredients and bases are cruelty-free and vegan, so you can feel good about using our treatments.

How soon can I see a doctor?

We provide personalised care to each patient, so there can be a wait of 1-2 weeks to book a video appointment. However, we understand that your time is valuable and we don’t want to keep you waiting unnecessarily. If you’d like to be added to our wait list, simply contact our friendly support team at (07) 3325-9700 or email us at [email protected], and we’ll do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible.

If you’re already a patient with us, we offer a convenient Text Support Line to help you schedule appointments. We’re always here to support you on your skin health journey!

Are your clinicians real doctors?


Every one of our amazing clinicians is an AHPRA-registered medical doctor or nurse, with experience treating thousands of patients using prescription skincare. Plus, they’ve all been carefully trained in prescription skincare and the skin conditions we treat, so you know you’re in safe hands! If you’re interested in learning more about each of our doctors, you can find more information about them HERE.

If you would prefer to check our practitioners’ AHPRA registration for yourself, you can do that HERE.

Is my treatment cream included in the cost?


If you’re assessed as suitable for prescription treatment, we’ll invoice you for a one-off, all-inclusive charge, less your $50 booking reservation fee. The total treatment cost covers everything you need for a successful treatment journey, including a video appointment with one of our doctors, 50g customised treatment product (sufficient for once daily application for 3 months, in a measured dosing pump), detailed instructions, express shipping, and full support from our experienced nurse.

At Qr8, we’re dedicated to ensuring that you get the most out of your treatment. That’s why, in addition to our personalised treatment product and 1:1 video consult with one of our experienced doctors, we’re delighted to offer the following support services, all included in the treatment price:

  • A detailed Skin Plan with evidence-based educational content plus supporting skincare product recommendations
  • A video consult with our senior nurse 1 month into your treatment to check in and answer any questions personally
  • Unlimited SMS, email, video, and phone support with our nurse throughout your 3-month treatment cycle, so you can get advice and support whenever you need it
  • Access to our Support Hub of fully-referenced educational resources to help you learn more about your skin and how to take care of it
  • Virtual masterclasses to further develop your skincare knowledge and connect with our experts and community of patients
  • Exclusive discount codes, offers, and giveaways to show our appreciation for your trust in us

How do I know if my treatment is compounded by a real pharmacy?

Our treatments are compounded at National Custom Compounding (NCC), based in QLD. NCC is a registered with Queensland Health as a Section 90 Community Pharmacy and Compounding Pharmacy.

The pharmacy is a member of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia, the Alliance of Pharmacy Compounding, and Australian Society of Compounding Pharmacists.

All pharmacists have current registration with the Pharmacy Board of Australia through AHPRA.

The business operates in line with Quality Care Pharmacy Practice (QCPP), a quality control system that covers compounding requirements and process. QCCP uses the standard outlined in AS/NZS 85000:2011. The program is administered by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and audited bi-annually by Ernest & Young. Due to the complex compounding of NCC, the pharmacy also chooses to follow international best practice and guidelines.

NCC complies with the Standards and Guidelines of:

  • Standards Australia AS 1807:2021
  • Australian Standard AS 85000:2017
  • PIC/S Guide for Preparation of Medicine in Healthcare Establishments
  • United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Chapters 795, 797 and 800
  • Pharmacy Board of Australia Codes, Guidelines and Policies
  • PSA (Pharmaceutical Society of Australia) Pharmacist Standards
  • Queensland Health Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 (MPMR)

How often will I meet with a doctor?

Your doctor will catch up with you in a video appointment every 3 months to review your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Don’t worry about checking your calendar, our team will send you SMS reminders when it’s time to rebook with your doctor.

How often will I meet with a nurse?

In short – whenever you need to!

Choosing to proceed with your prescribed treatment at Qr8 means you’ll have the support of our amazing nurses and dermal therapists, who become your very own personal skin coaches! They’re here to provide all the real-time support, advice, motivation, and education you need to stay on track and make positive changes to your skin.

In a video appointment (included in the price of your treatment) 1 month into your treatment, our senior nurse will check in with you personally, and answer any questions. And whenever you need advice during your three-month treatment cycle, just reach out! Our support team is available to chat in real-time via our dedicated text support line or by email, phone, or video when you need them. This kind of personalised support has been scientifically shown to keep you on track, minimise side effects, and significantly improve positive outcomes for patients.

Plus, our support team is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to in-clinic aesthetic treatments like lights, lasers, facials, microneedling, and injectables, and can advise you on which treatments you can use with your Qr8 treatment and which ones may not be suitable for your individual skin condition.

Do the medications make my skin more sensitive to the sun?

Scientific evidence that shows your skin is not more prone to sunburn when using our prescription treatments, but it is possible that your skin may feel more sensitive overall while you’re adjusting to a new prescription (or a new prescription strength), and feel like it’s burning.

To help keep your skin healthy and protected, and get the most from your treatment, proper sun protection is vital. Chronic exposure to UV radiation from the sun can cause serious damage to your skin, including premature aging, skin cancer, and issues like melasma and pigmentation.

That’s why we’re committed to educating you about the best ways to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. We’ll also help you choose an evidence-based sunscreen that’s tailored to your skin condition, and show you how to use it properly for maximum protection. Proper sunscreen use is crucial to the success of your treatment.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my treatment?

We take our patient support responsibility very seriously, and we want to be there for you when you need us. Our support team is available through various channels such as our text support line, email, phone, and even video calls with our nurse.

When you start treatment with us, you will have access to a dedicated text support line for all your queries. You can also contact us via phone on (07) 3325-9700 or email [email protected].

Our head office is located in sunny Brisbane, QLD, and during business hours we respond in a short time frame to your queries. If you prefer to speak with a real person, we’re just a phone call away.

Even outside business hours, we’re committed to supporting you. If you have urgent clinical questions after hours, rest assured that our text support line and emails are monitored, triaged, and responded to as appropriate.

Our system is not designed for emergencies, however. If you feel like your situation is life-threatening, please call triple-zero or present to your nearest emergency department.

How do I get help if I have side effects?

Choosing to proceed with your prescribed treatment at Qr8 means you’ll have the support of our amazing nurse and dermal therapists, who become your very own personal skin coaches! They’re here to provide all the real-time support, advice, motivation, and education you need to stay on track and make positive changes to your skin.

When you start treatment with us, you will have access to a dedicated text support line for all your queries. You can also contact us via phone on (07) 3325-9700 or email [email protected]

How long before my questions are answered?

We understand that waiting for answers while dealing with side effects can be frustrating, which is why we promise not to leave you waiting for days or weeks without a response. We’re also not the type of company that sends you to social media groups to get answers from other patients. Our support team is always here for you.

What happens in an emergency?

Even outside business hours, we’re committed to supporting you. If you have any urgent clinical questions after hours, rest assured that our text support line and emails are monitored, triaged, and responded to as appropriate.

However, Qr8 is a remote service and our after-hours system is not designed for emergency treatment. If you experience any of these symptoms, please call 000 immediately or present to your nearest emergency dept:

1. Facial swelling that is spreading to other areas of your face, neck or chest

2. Swollen, tingling or itchy lips, tongue or throat

3. Trouble breathing

4. A hive-like, itchy rash that is spreading to other parts of your body

5. Nausea, stomach cramps or feeling faint/unwell

What happens after 3 months of treatment?

Treating skin conditions can take time, even with prescription medications. That’s why your doctor will be checking in with you regularly via video appointments every 3 months. This way, they can monitor your progress, celebrate your wins, and adjust your treatment plan as needed. But don’t worry about checking your calendar, our team will send you a SMS reminder when it’s time to rebook with your doctor.

When you have reached your skin goals, we’re still here to help you maintain those fabulous results! Your doctor can create a personalized formula just for you, so your skin continues to look and feel amazing, and will discuss an annual maintenance plan with you that comes at a reduced cost.

If you’re interested in learning more about our maintenance options, please feel free to contact via our text support line, or by phone at (07) 3325-9700, or email us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Are there any risks or side effects to this treatment?

We take your health and well-being seriously, and our treatments are carefully designed to provide the best possible care for your skin condition.

Your doctor will take into account your medical history and any possible side effects when designing your treatment plan, and will discuss all common side effects with you during your consultation. If it is not safe to prescribe for you, they will also discuss the reasons for this with you.

We understand that starting a new treatment can be an adjustment period, and it is normal to experience some degree of skin dryness, itching, ‘face dandruff’ type of flaking, temporary redness, or even increased breakouts. Our nurse is here to support you every step of the way with answers and advice to keep these kind of side effects to a minimum.

You will also receive detailed written instructions that include any relevant side effects from the pharmacy, and your skincare support consultation will cover how to minimise and manage any common side effects. Our nurse is also available to personally answer any questions that arise during your treatment period, and provide advice on application techniques, skincare products, and more.

While we do not provide refunds, exchanges, or free reformulations if reactions or unforeseen skin responses occur, we want you to know that we are here to help, and take your trust in us very seriously. Our service is not designed to handle emergency situations, however. If you feel you are experiencing a life-threatening reaction, please present to the nearest emergency department or call triple-zero.

Sometimes unforeseen skin conditions flare up during treatment, like perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. In these cases, an additional review with your doctor may be required and will incur an extra charge.